In 1885, the thermostat was introduced as an automatic system that controlled the temperature in a home. When the heat dropped below a certain point, a pulley system would open the furnace door and push air into the fire regulating the warmth.

Since that time, we've improved this technology. Numerous innovations now allow individuals to better control room temperatures. Upgrade your heating and cooling system to the 21st century by installing a smart thermostat in your home.

Programmable Thermostats

Before the programmable thermostat, homeowners had to adjust the thermostat each time they left their homes. If they forgot, they wasted precious dollars warming or cooling a home with no one in it.

Programmable thermostats were developed in the 1970's as a way for people to save energy and money. The Environmental Protection Services (EPS) estimates that programmable thermostats cut energy use by 20-30 percent. That saves a customer up to $200 each year.

There's still one problem. Many studies estimate that only 11% of customers program these thermostats. If used incorrectly, programmable thermostats still cost homeowners more in energy and heating bills.

“Smart” Thermostats

If you are one of the many homeowners with a never-programmed thermostat, get a smart thermostat and let it do the work for you.

These thermostats connect to the Internet, so you can adjust your temperature controls remotely. While in the office or on the road, you can manage your home's temperature even when you aren't there.

Homeowners can still control the thermostat in their homes, usually from a touchscreen. But now you can access your climate control system from an app or web page. Never again turn back to adjust your thermostat before a vacation. Never again look at your utility bill in horror. With this new technology, homeowners can take better advantage of their thermostat's features.

Automated Savings

Heating and cooling represent about 40% of your home's energy use. Although smart thermostats cost about $200, you'll save a significant amount of money when you automatically reduce your heating and cooling use.

Some smart thermostats also offer usage reports. These reports show how much you used your HVAC system and compare usage to others residing in your area.

Advantage of Smart Thermostats.

The basic purpose of a residential thermostat is to set a target temperature and save energy. Because thermostats require less energy to heat and cool a home, some local utility companies offer rebates for certain thermostats. Installing a smart thermostat also provides the following benefits:

  • It adapts to your schedule. If your schedule changes each day, you can adjust smart thermostats from anywhere using a smartphone or computer. Plus, when you come home from a long trip, you can start changing the temperature before you even arrive home.
  • It's easy to program. Some homeowners might be concerned about correctly operating a smart thermostat. Get help from a qualified installation professional. He or she will walk you through the product so you can understand and adjust it with ease.
  • It monitors energy use. Several smart thermostats send email alerts when the temperature gets too high or too low. This is a great advantage when you are taking a vacation or if you are a business owner worried about your bottom line.
  • It's convenient. Homeowners can adjust temperatures with little effort. Make changes to your thermostat from the ease of your bedroom, couch, or car.
  • So many things occupy your mind each day. Let someone-or rather, something-else worry about the heating and cooling system. Switch to a smart thermostat. This technology will make you happy about the temperature of your home and even your utility bill.